Prestonwood Park
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~ Website Registration ~
Welcome to the new Prestonwood Park Website!  Current homeowner's should click on the "Register"  link on the left to access the HOA Member's Only information available on this website

~ News ~
Please login to view this area.

~ Use our Free Classifieds ~
If you have anything to advertise please feel free to submit the information via the classifieds link.  The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse an ad based on content.
Advertising Suggestions:
Items for sale
Odd Jobs
Babysitting Services

~ Upcoming Events ~
No Events at this time.

~ Harris County Leash Law ~
Keeping your pets restrained is not only a deed restriction requirement; it is the law in Harris County.  If your pet is not properly restrained (on a leash or other restraint described in the ordinance) when not on your property, you are in violation. Please adhere to the leash law.
Below is a summary of the current ordinance. The entire ordinance can be viewed by clicking here.
Harris County Public Health Animal Regulations
Restraint: The control of a dog or cat under the following circumstances:
(1) When it is controlled by a line or leash not more than six (6) feet in length, if the line or leash is held by a human being who is capable of controlling or governing the dog or cat in question; or
(2) When it is within a fully enclosed vehicle; or
(3) When it is on the premises of the custodian and the animal does not have access to a sidewalk or street.
A. All dogs and cats must be kept under restraint while in the unincorporated areas of Harris County, Texas. The custodian of a dog or cat is not authorized to have, harbor or keep any unlicensed dog or cat, or to allow any dog or cat to become a stray.
B. The custodian of every dog or cat is responsible for any behavior of a dog or cat under the provisions of these Regulations.

~ Surveys ~

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